need more tracks cheap

Use your two hands to simultaneously press both buttons ?

Try to be a little more specific ...

eg. which multitrack recorders are you using ?
So far i have a boss br-532 4-track. Isn't there a way to sync them up so I only have to hit record/play on one of them?

Can analog 4 tracks be synced up? I need this for writing more so then for making a demo so quality isn't really a concern.

The last thing I want to do is buy a million dollar 24 track.
old skool

I read somewhere that during playback they used to have a guy with his fingers on the reels - syncing them with friction.

Maybe it'd be cool to make an axle/gear type of thing that would link the two machines. Like instead of that little rubber thing that holds the reels on you could put a gear & chain the two reel to reel axles together... I'd love to see that.
You can sync two analog 4-track machines if the machines are equipped with appropriate midi connections. However, you will need additional external equipment and you will lose tracks.

Example: Tascam 424 mkIIIs can be synced, but you need A) a second unit, B) a Tascam or compatible "midi sync box", and C) to be willing to lose one track on each unit for recording the midi information. That means if you have two four-track units, you end up with a synced six tracks because each unit needs a track to store the midi time code.

For the cost of all of the external stuff, you could put the money into other methods of expanding your number of tracks that would be much more efficient (including actually replacing your current recording unit).
You might be able to pickup an 8 track recorder for fairly cheap. I paid 300 for mine and I can bounce all day long with it. (64 virtual tracks). It might be cheaper to just buy an 8 track, than another 4 track, and the stuff to link them together.
I need the physical tracks with the faders for editing.

If I were to sync two digital machines using MMC or MTC or whatever would I lose tracks on them? Would I need a third party device?
No, digital machines don't waste tracks with sync, and yes most can be synced. However you may still need a clock generator, depending on the type of machine you use. And a reliable external unit will cost you a pretty penny or two. Sounds to me like you might be the kind of person who could benefit from a machine like a Roland VS2480/VS2400 or Korg D32XD or similar all-in-one box. Usually you get tons of tracks (actual and virtual), onboard FX, control surface, etc.

Avoid sync like the plague, unless you have too. It can get messy. Oh, and if you even think of the old analog sync devices, such as those used to stripe tapes (a.k.a. Tascam style), forget it they sucked, especially if you accidentally touched the transport pitch controls. Junk!!!!
would about a daisy chain consisting of a boss br 532 and two rolands either 1680 or 1880 or one of each? Would this work without an external?

I dont need the on board fx or features like that I just need physical tracks with faders.

I have a 24-track recording solution that only cost me £1 (price of a cdrom), using a Linux music distribution (DeMudi). If you have a half decent computer, you should be able to get some good results
You've been asking this same question for a week and rejecting every answer you get. You need to explain yourself better - why you need 'physical tracks with faders' so badly - or be satisfied with the responses you're getting...
I used to deal with all that SMPTE 30 fps drop frame striping and chase lock....what a pain. I couldn't even imagine going back to those days again. Want faders, you can either use an analog board, or do what I do and use a control surface. Either way, the benefits of non-linear editing that disk based recording gives you is soooooooooo worth the switch, especially for writing and arranging.

The First Don said:
what about a daisy chain consisting of a boss br 532 and two rolands either 1680 or 1880 or one of each? Would this work without an external?

Just to clarify:

The Boss Br-532 supports MMC (and mabey MTC if i remember correctly) as a master unit only

The Rolands support MMC and MTC as a master or slave.
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