Need more help with my studio monitors?

The output knob must be up on the device. As long as you have your computer output set to the Tascam it should automatically go through the monitor output as well as the headphone outputs, unless there is a setting to turn on or off the monitor outputs in the Tascam software preferences.
Thanks for the help, but it still is not working, i selected the tascam for the audio out put but sound only comes out of my headphones, not the monitors. might it have anything to do with frequency? and also on a kind of unrelated note, theres a switch on the back labled AC select, im not sure what that does?
AC Select should be on 100-120v. It should usually be on the default setting as it came.

Alright, so just a few quicks checks: Is the light on the front? Do you have volumes on your computer, interface, and each speaker turned up? Is the power switch on the speakers on? Are there any loose connections?

And BTW, what cable did you end up getting?
I ended up getting the cable that has 2 TRS jacks and 2 RCAs on the other end, with the corresponding orange and grey colors on the TRS ends. The Ac select is on 115 as it came, the lights are on, theres no loose ends, and all volumes are turned up. I can hear the humm coming out of the monitors but i dont hear the music being played back. also, with the interface hooked up, that volume selection in the bottom right corner is grey, and i cant mess with it.
Try taking a regular 1/4 to 1/4 inch instrument cable from one input on one of your monitors and plugging it into the headphone jack on your interface. Put on some music in iTunes or something, start with the headphone volume low, and slowly crank it up. Tell me if you hear anything.