Need info on particular microphones for bootleg recording

Try posting in the microphone forum, where this post should actually be. This forum is for Minidisk recorders which isn't really related to your question.
I apologize. I had microphone on the brain when I was thinking about attaching it to my mini-disk, and wasn't even aware of what I was doing.

Sorry :)
I've got stereo binaural mics for my MZR37 and I LOOOOOVE it!!! I recommend them highly. I don't know if it's the same brand - I got mine at - a GREAT site by the way (no, I don't work for them...)

I went on a circle-globe trip, and had those w/me and a travel acoustic, and Boss DR-5 so I could write & record as inspiration hit. I found that I pretty much played & sang into the mics, and had great results. Also, I sometimes rehearse new ideas w/my drummer in his bedroom at low volume, and the natural compression & low hiss make for really cool basic ideas that I can dump into my VS880 to play with later.

The mics are really sensitive though, so you will probably pic up alot of crowd noise too, but the signal does get compressed as I'd mentioned earlier...

Good Luck!

Hey, thanks for the info. I just chanced cheking back here because no on answered my question on the proper forum. Also, thanks for the site link. I've bookmarked it. :)

Those are the exact mics I was asking about, so good to hear that they are doing well for you.

Thanks again.