Need help!!!


New member
Hi guys,

I'm new on recording..., maybe it's a stupid question???
I have a tascam M308 (8 channel mixer). A tascam dp-02cf is a 8-track recorder. If I would connect my M308 to a tascam dp-02cf and than straight to my computer, would I have 8 seperated tracks??? (I'm little bit confused it's a 8 track recorder) Am I wrong, please can you help me guys???
As I understand it, you can connect the DP-02CF to your computer via a USB 2.0 connection and transfer tracks you have already recorded to the DP-02 to the computer that way. One catch, though, is that while it is an 8 track recorder, it looks like you can only record two tracks at a time - i.e. you cannot record all 8 tracks simultaneously. So you'd have to build up your tracks two at a time, recording them on the DP-02, and then once recorded, you can transfer them to your computer via the USB connection.
