need help

Taylor Made

New member
i think this is a newbie question....oh well.......i'm still new.
i'm recording into acid pro (and editing in sound forge).
my voice is deep and tends to blend (really mash) with my bass drums....what am i doing wrong or what can i do to stop this?
any help please.....
don't know if this will help but

I noticed a big difference from recording in ACid compared to let's say cakewalk or cubase...i was recording in Acid 4.0 untill i got the new programs and i was really impressed..see acid is more for editing though you can record but i would suggest trying either cakewalk,cubase, or even vegas sound's good too...

hope this helps

simple setup (demos only)

my setup is recording in mid range mic, run through a cheap pre-amp....produce my beats on fruityloops 3.64, record vocals into acid pro 4, and edit/master in sound forge 6.....jus' purchased
cd architect but have yet to experiment with it....
the only music i do is hip hop w/ a lil' r'n' the setup suites my needs, jus' want tha sound to be as i can get out of it...
any suggestions or tips would be helpful......

spin....check out your links on mastering and compression and it was a big help...biggups yo'....good looking out