Need help with Sonar, dr008, and DFH


New member
I'm very new at this, as you will soon see, so please excuse my ignorance. I've loaded the rock kit from DFH into dr008 and all the drum names appear in the pads.

I insert dr008 as a DXi instrument in sonar 3 and I use the following inputs and outputs:

MIDI track

Audio track
Out:SB live

Are these right?

I think I have the dr008 mappings correct as the drum names all appear down the left side column of the piano roll. I'm having trouble inputing notes into the piano roll, however. A little guidance would be much appreciated. All I get is a little line, and I have yet to actually hear any of the samples. Can't hear anything.

I was instructed to try to import one of the MIDI files included with the cd. I did this and everything appears in the piano roll as it should (I assume) and I can see all the "info" on the editing screen, but I still can't hear anything. What am I overlooking?
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not playing

I know this might be a simple question but here goes.... Do you have anything muted or solo ?

Also, while in piano roll view, click on the keys and see if any sounds come out? You might need to click alot of keys until you hear something.

One more thing, make sure you have sounds loaded into DR-008. Try this > Click LOAD>LOAD SETTINGS>click on any kit. That should get you to load up some sounds. Hit C2 on your MIDI keyboard or contoller. If you hear something, then you have to figure out "MIDI Mapping" and how to map the MIDI info to the correct sounds.

Hope this helps. I am also excited about getting "into" DR-008. Let me know how it goes.

And don't forget to run the audio engine (beside the playback button) to hear the sound when inputing/editing the MIDI notes. Sometime when audio drop out happened, it's turned off by itself.
