Need help with Preamp decision


New member
I have descided on the EMU 1212M. I have also descided to go ADAT or SPDIF depending on the preamp. I want a preamp with 8 XLR inputs and of course ADAT or SPDIF output. I have looked at the behringer ultragain pro-8. Seems like a decent choice. I don't want to spend more than $300 if possible. Let me know some suggestions.

Thanks !!
Ultragain pro it is then.......need something now. Will save up for it later depending on results. Thanks
I hear you! Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and get what you can get.

But FWIW I second the Octane as a good budget 8-channel pre. It's very clean. I haven't used the digital output yet, but the analog outs sound nice.
if your going with the ultragain dont save up for the up and gett an even better mackie onyx