Need help with my bits......


New member
I seem to be slightly confused here, what is the point of recording some audio into a sequencer (say Cubase) at 24bit if your end product is a CD and the sequencer converts the file down to 16 bit????

I appreciate that the file will sound better at 24bit but overall i can't seem to understand this issue.

Please help


24 bit files allow for better editing and effects processing. You have more headroom at 24 bit than 16. Unless someone else chimes in before I get back, I can offer a better longer response when I have time.
Why do graphics professionals work in expanded colorspaces when they know their work is headed for sRGB on the web?'s (what I think will be ^^) a good example. Say you only had 64 colors to work with for your final image. Would you only work in those 64 colors from the very beginning of the project? I'd do what I can in a true color workspace and use the sources and effects I have to their full capacity before getting it down to 64 colors for the final deliverable.
Thanks for the replies chaps, i kind of get it but i still have a few doubts in my mind. The whole question arose when i decided i wanted to record a DJ mix through Cubase and i thought great i'll do it at 24bit but then i read that i needed to mix the track down to 16bit and use a dither plug in which introduces low level noise.

I guess the real question for you guys is : ultimately what with give the best sound quality and results, record at 16bit or 24 bit ?????

Thanks once again for the help

I can't give you a technical answer. But from experience, a mixdown from a multitrack 24 bit recording dithered down to 16 bit sounds better than a mixdown of a 16 bit multitrack recording. Try it.
MILLSY5 said:
...i'll do it at 24bit but then i read that i needed to mix the track down to 16bit and use a dither plug in which introduces low level noise...

I'm not certain, but I think I read somewhere on this board that the low level noise is outside the audible spectrum (below 96)
