need help with midi set-up


New member
Greetings to all -

I have an old Yamaha PSR-510 that has MIDI capabilities. Because of a recent purchase of a new laptop I also have the following computers sitting around:

- a 15" Apple Titanium Powerbook with USB (1.1) and Firewire (400 Mps) capabilities, 1 Ghz, 1 gig ram, and 60 gig HD (4200 rpm) (Broken screen hinges have taken this off of business travel duty)

- a Macintosh G4 CPU, 450 Mhz, 256 Mg ram, 60 GB HD (7200 rpm), with USB (1.1) and Firewire (400 mps) capabilities.

I want to use one computer to do basic 2-channel personal recording (just me in my studio) far I have used the powerbook and Garageband with up to 15 tracks with no problem...mainly live instruments.

However, I also was to setup one of the computers as a MIDI work station of sorts, where it contains tons of virtual synths and sounds whereby I can use the PSR-510 as a midi controller.

So my question is, which computer would be best served as the MIDI workstation? Then, what is the software I would need in order to make this happen?

thanks in advance.

Since virtual anything is usually processer and memory driven, the faster machine will be a better choice. As far as a sequencer goes, take your pick, there are a number of different ones which are going to natively support either VST, AU, or TDM/RTAS. I use VST and am happy with it plus theres a TON of homebrew/freeware plugins and instruments: The big one is Cubase but Traktion is worth checking out (nice and sleek,not nearly as bloated as Cubase, and way cheaper) and there are several others that are native to VST. Au is a Logic format and TDM/RTAS is Pro Tools (which you will specific need hardware for).

Probably the cheap solution is Traktion since I have never seen freeware AU or TDM plugins (but they may exist). Just dont expect to have a "ton" of virtual instruments at once since a neither of your machines has that much muscle
I second the recommendation for Tracktion. I've been using it myself for the last year and have just bought a P4 3.2Ghz PC which I now have, as you say, packed with softsynths/virtual synths.

I recommend you use the faster machine, especially if the hinges are broken on the display and it's been forced off the road because of that fact...

Download the Tracktion demo version here.