need help with a vocal setup


New member
i have the mics, i just need the interface/pre's for my computer.

it'll have to be somewhat cheap, i'd like to get it asap so i only have about 200 to drop, and i don't mind ebaying it either!

any recommendations?
Here you go....

Are you looking for mic pre and interface?? Didn't know whether or not you have condenser or not. Two examples of what you could use are below. Had the Firewire Solo before. Works great for Cubase and Protools. But pre was a little to "harsh" for my AT3035. I would suggest you start out with separate pre/interface due to sometimes bad latency issues with USB interfaces. Unsure on what performance specs your computer has to offer. I'd personally recommend the first two as a combination. Especially being able to go digital from the pre to the soundcard. Good luck...
My computer is really fast, I bought it from a friend who used it as a gaming computer, but upgraded to something else.

I dont know if I can afford a pre AND an interface, at least decent sounding stuff. I'll have to check those links later, I'm on my sidekick.

But yeah I was just leaning toward the firebox because I've heard the pres are decent, and its pretty damn convenient! Heh.

Oh and I have a studio projects b1 that will probably be the mic I use
I personally use the E-mu 0404 it has 2 ins and 2 outs which if your only tracking vocals should be good enough... it works for me.... it runs about $100 when I got it and its PCI which leaves u about $100 to shop for a preamp...... ill tell you now you wont get great results with this setup but if u work with it you can get some pretty decent sounding stuff..... u can check out my songs at to see the vocal quality I get and my mic preamp and interface setup cost me about $300 total but you have the mic already
i was thinking about getting the audiophile 2496, now i guess the emu is an option...

and for the pre i'm wondering about the studio projects vtb1...
I got the akg perception 100 mic great mic for the cost and a maudio audiobuddy preamp... but ill soon be upgrading to the maudio dmp3 or maybe a different amp.... really its all about what your going for...... for me I like my vocals to be as dry as possible when I record so I try to get equiptment thats know for a dry sound with no added color.

and the reason I got the emu instead of the audiophile is because the emu came wit 1/4 inch ins and outs which makes it a little easier to connect the preamp and monitors(which i have yet to get lol still mixing with my RCA shelf system)
nope not yet I record in my open room for now... with no treatment... but im going to build a booth soon nothing to special tho just to try and help with all the reflections.... but im going with breath control and knowing how to work the mic so I record pretty close to the mic with my preamp turned way down..... im talkin like 6inches or less type of close...