Need Help Very Much


New member
Ok I've finnaly got enough tracks down to fill a cd.... What i need to do now is get them on my comp...

Now I have my Four Track hooked into the computer but how do i get my songs into a Wav. or Mp3. Format?

Please help me as I am lost....
You need, at the minimum:

(1) software to record a stereo signal that's coming into your sound card from the 4-track; this should also be able to save what you record in a number of formats, 16-bit/44.1 kHz WAV being very standard, and MP3 increasingly more so. For example, a lot of sound cards come with Sound Forge XP. This will save your recording as a WAV, but for some silly reason they made the MP3 encoder an add-on that costs about $20.

(2) a nice enough computer so that it can do this without it hiccuping along the way.

Read the tutorial stuff on the home page for this site:

and good luck!

well i got goldwave and seems like this would work but when i check the line in box and check off microphone i can record with full volume on everything and I can barely hear it... Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?