Need help on studio


New member
I'm going to make a studio in a room in my house. It's going to be through the computer and the vocal booth is going to be in the closet. I want to know exaxclty what I need to make a studio through the computer. I want it to have a clear and a professional sound if possible. pleasse be specific because I don't know much. Here's the specs for the computer I'll be using for the studio.
The soundcard is shit. You need something geared toward pro audio, not gaming, and that's all soundblasters are really good for. If you want to stick with a Creative card then take a look at the EMU line. It honestly sounds like you don't have a clue about what to do so go here and check out tweak's guide. It's very informative and gives you several options for computer recording.
The computer isn't the thing that is going to give you the "clear and professional" sound. You may need some mics, cables, stands, preamps, rack effects, decent monitors, recording software, audio interface and maybe a mixer to create a studio in your house.
for great sound and a smaller budget, you could go my route:

* Presonus Firepod - 8 preamps - firewire out to your computer
* MICs - opinions on these are dime a dozen. read up on the mic section, every question you have has been addressed there. No matter what, you'll need at least 10 SM57's. ;)
* Cables. ditto
* Software - ditto. I use Magix Audio Studio 11 - $80. powerful and easy to learn. Not a whole lot of cats around here use check out the software section for more info on others.
* Acoustic treatments for your room. read up.
* Monitors. opions opinions. read up.
* Headphones (Cans) . ditto. go test some out if your local music store will allow. all that matters is if they sound good to you and they are comfortable. Lots of people trash my cans around here, but they sound/feel great to me - so that's all that matters. Don't mix exclusively on cans.

that's my $.02

good luck main!
instead of one 200gig HD, get two. say one 120 gig 7200 drive for your system, and maybe one 10,000rpm 74gig drive for audio! even just getting a second 7200rpm drive is better than using your system drive.

you cant just ask, what do i need when you have nothing. please search, you have many possibilities. much has been said here, theres a search button on this forum, please try to use it once in a while.