need help on some cheaper mics


New member
im looking to buy a mic, i own the audiotechnica at4040 its pretty sharp for my voice, i dont like it to much, i want somethiing that wont be so sharp on my mids, im doing alot of rap vocals and ALOT of doubles and my audio technica at4040 is a basterd for doing that with my vocals

ive been lookin at
akg perception 220
akg perception 420
shure sm7b ( but i only have a tascam mkii us-122 so i dont think my gain is good enough)

i live in edmonton and there are a ton of selections on Axe Music - Canadian Online Music Store Guitars Bass Drums DJ Vancouver Toronto Montreal Canada or Long & McQuade - Canada's Music Store, Musical Instruments

any one help me with this? any other mics that record more smoother and warm?(bass warm and not mid warm)
Just go for the SM7b. ;)

The SM7b is of course a good choice. If you feel like the AT4040 is too "sharp" sounding you should probably be looking at dynamic mics in general. If the SM7b doesn't fit the bill there are many others to choose from.
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