Need help just using a mic through a FireStudio Mobile with Studio One Artist


New member
That's it. I've had this for 4 months, but because of school, never had time to learn it. Now I finally have time, and I've spent numerous nights just trying to get sound to record and output through a mic. I have no idea what's wrong. Posted this here since there isn't a specific presonus / studio one forum...

Finally tonight I had a breakthrough. The mic wasn't registering anything, and then all of the sudden it was. I recorded. Stuff showed up. All great. But then I had to move my whole set up so that I could hook it up to my speakers. I unplugged everything, moved it, and then hooked it up EXACTLY THE SAME. All the same settings. And now, back to square one.

I'm using an Audio Technica Mic, don't remember the model, but I can look it up if necessary. But I don't think it's the mic, since I know it worked at one point.

Here are the settings I have that worked at one point: (I'm on a macbook pro)
In System Preferences for the macbook, I turned the output and input to FireStudio Mobile.
In Preferences in Studio One, in Audio Device, it's set to FireStudio Mobile.
The Phantom Power is on, I've tried multiple gains, but really have just been leaving the gain at about halfway.
I have a mic plugged in to input 1.
The FireStudio is plugged in via firewire to my macbook.
I also have a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter on the firestudio on the headphones out, and then it routes to the speakers.
The track is enabled to record, set to the right input.
I've tried multiple orders of setup, like when I turn certain things on, when I open studio one, etc. Restarted it multiple times.

And THE WEIRDEST PART is that if I tap on the microphone, studio one responds - the monitoring changes significantly, not just like noise. But if I scream into it, nothing happens.

I'm just really frustrated that what should be really simple has kept me from using this program for almost 4 months.

Thanks in advance.
Just an update. I went into garageband. I got the Mic to record, but only when I tap on it. Once again no response from singing. Could it be a problem with the mic? It hasn't gone through anything rough... I've hardly used it. The cable did go through shipping in a box though. I was also a cheap, usually 9 dollar, cable that came with the mic and a cheap mic stand.

But really that doesn't make sense since I literally just recorded an hour ago...