Need help EQing drums recorded with contact mics! Wanna blaze new trails with me?


New member
Hello everyone! I want to start making free drum videos/lessons a la Mike Johnston DRUM LESSON: Linear Triplet Fill by Mike Johnston - YouTube The mics I have are contact mics from B-Band UKKO by B-Band They actually work very well, but need to be EQ/compressed/etc correctly and I'm no sound engineer. The difficulty part is that since they are contact condenser mics, EQing them is COMPLETELY different. The EQ artifacts are in completely different spots than if say I was using regular SM57s. I tried using the EQ Cheat Sheet and interactive frequency chart as a start and then adjusting as my ears saw fit, but I'm way too new at this to really get it right.

Would anyone would like to try to make these sound awesome or at least get me pointed in the right direction? I've scoured the internet and while I've found several people who have gotten great sounds with these mics, no one has posted how they did it... only that they had to be EQ'd/compressed completely differently than normal mics.

Here's the gear I have in case you're wondering:
B-Band UKKO contact mics for toms and snare
CAD KBM 412 and home made sub-kicks for kick drum
AKG C2000B for overhead
Carvin mx1644 mixer
Running REAPER with Waves 8.0.11 plugins

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
I guess it would help if I uploaded a sample...

The first one is dry, the second one is with a quick eq comp I did using Waves VEQ and VComp.


  • dry tom sample.mp3
    579.6 KB · Views: 20
  • tom sample with eq comp.mp3
    579.6 KB · Views: 16