Need feedback on MIDI Continuous Controllers


New member
I am working on updating one of my Reaktor ensembles that I originally created back in 2004-2005 with R4, Menace. If you've got Reaktor, you can search for it in the Reaktor UL. It's specifically for creating twisty D'n'B reeces that are pretty close to ones done by guys/groups such as Cause 4 Concern for example.

Anyways, one of the things I am adding is a dropdown menu of MIDI CCs that can be assigned to modulate things such as filter cutoff for example. This should make it easier to modulate parameters in real-time. The beauty of this, as opposed to MIDI Learn, is that you can have the same knob, slider or modwheel control more than one parameter in different amounts, and in different directions (there are 4 filters for example, and this will be a great way to twist sounds in ways that would be impractical with MIDI Learn).

However, I think it would be overkill to include all possible 128 CCs in the menu. So for simplicitiy's sake I'd like to find out what MIDI CCs are assigned to your controllers by default?

I use my Kurzweil K2600 as a controller and by default I have the Mod Wheel, and the 8 sliders are mapped to MIDI CCs 6, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28. Since MIDI CCs 22-29 are "unassigned" by the MIDI specification, they are pretty much fair game for the manufacturers. However, I am not sure how standard these are as default assignments on various MIDI controllers and such. I have a feeling different ones will have somewhat different mappings and assignment.

So, any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Oops. This probably should've been in the MIDI forum. Sorry, totally forgot about it as I don't often visit that area. Can one of the mods move it to the proper area please?
Look at table 3 here:

but bear in mind that those are just standard assignments, and although there are ranges of undefined ones, you can use what ever you want since at the end of the day it just boils down to what the target device is designed to respond to. You can use CC0 (program change) to modulate cutoff if you want, it really is all arbitrary (just make sure there are no global ones for reaktor)

I do agree with you line of though though. I "hard" map all my controllers also. Infact, I try to keep all the common controls mapped to the same physical knobs on my Remote so all cutoff/res/env stuff is always in the same place regardless of what synth is being used.
I do agree with you line of though though. I "hard" map all my controllers also. Infact, I try to keep all the common controls mapped to the same physical knobs on my Remote so all cutoff/res/env stuff is always in the same place regardless of what synth is being used.
Thanks for the response, altitude. I am well familiar with the MIDI CC spec. What I am really looking for is what CCs are normally assigned to physical knobs on hardware controllers by default. So, as you say you have hard mapped your hardware knobs to common controls. Care to share which MIDI CCs you've mapped? This is the kind of info I am really looking for.

Thanks again for the help.
The ones I use are very standard.

The common ones I use:

001 - mod wheel
002 - breath
005 - porto time
006 - data entry
007 - volume
010 - pan
011 - expression
064 - pedal
065 - porto on/off
067 - soft ped
071 - resonance
074 - cut off freq
091 - reverb
093 - chorus
094 - delay
098 - non reg param LSB
099 - non reg param MSB
120 - all sound off
121 - reset all controllers
136 - master vol
145 - prg change
The ones I use are very standard.

The common ones I use:

001 - mod wheel
002 - breath
005 - porto time
006 - data entry
007 - volume
010 - pan
011 - expression
064 - pedal
065 - porto on/off
067 - soft ped
071 - resonance
074 - cut off freq
091 - reverb
093 - chorus
094 - delay
098 - non reg param LSB
099 - non reg param MSB
120 - all sound off
121 - reset all controllers
136 - master vol
145 - prg change

Awesome. Thanks for the list Diny!