need AKAI MG14D manual


New member
Just bought an ol' AKAI MG14D with no manual...
The new AKAI websites dosn't have any link for the MG series...
Hi, I've been reading this forum for a while now and it's really great! Lot's of valuable information for anybody wanting to take control over every aspect of not only music composition and performance, but recording as well. So I'm joining in!

I've been recording on cassette and open reels now for some time, and it's time for me to invest in an analog multitracker with somewhat higher definition sound than what I used before. We are currently looking at an Otari 16 track 2" for our studio, but I also have the chance to buy a Akai MG14D including tapes for a relatively low price. I think this could be a nice unit for my home studio. Before I do that, I would like to be certain that the manual is obtainable. Please let me know if it's still out there.