Need advice on Soundcard


Drummer and Pipedreamer
I have a small studio that I am upgrading. My primary purpose is producing radio and television commercials, video narrations and music on-hold. My main software tools are Soundforge and Cool Edit. My new pc will be a P4 3.0 gig chip with 1024 DDR ram (3200) and for the soundcard I was thinking of the Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS platinum pro. Do you think this is sufficient for the kind of work I am doing or should I look into one of the Delta soundcards? Any thoughts, opinions and advice greatly appeciataed. :)
Soundblasters are for video games. No matter what the guy at Circuit City tells you. Ask how many full time producers use soundblasters. Um, zero:).

The Delta soundcards are great starters, I used a 44 for a long time and really like it. I think one of the biggest factors to look at when choosing pro soundcards is the number of inputs you may need. This is especially important if you would ever record drums live. But if you are doing it as a 1 man show, 1 or 2 tracks at a time, and using midi or loops for drums, then you can get away with 2 inputs.

Let me tell you, even on the radio, I can tell if the commercial was done with junk, and honestly it makes me think less of the product or service being advertised.
