Need advice on First Synth...


New member
I've just gotten into Synth type music lately, and today after listening to Juno Reactor (Ben watkins) work for the Matrix movies im really keen to invest in a hardware synth. I was really interested in the sounds in "Burly Brawl" by ben watkins, i thought he produced some really convincing orcestral and choir sounds until i found out that he used a really orcestra and choir! :(

I've played around with Absynth quite a bit and really enjoy it...

Do you guys recommend the Yamaha Motif rackmount module combined with a Midi controller keyboard as a first unit?

The reason for the rackmount unit is that i'll be travelling to the USA soon and it will be about half the cost of getting one here in australia... and i can just pack it in my bag too...

any ideas or advice would be appreciated!
Im sure you would be quite impressed with the Rackmount Korg Tritton Series. (if you have that kinda money)
And, the Yamaha series are very nice as well.
There are timing problems in multi-timbral mode on the Yamaha rack Motifs - get the keyboard version if you opt for a Yamaha.

Korg make some good synths - Karma and MS2000 are classics for interesting noises.
lumbago said:
Korg make some good synths - Karma and MS2000 are classics for interesting noises.

I have a KARMA and it's one of the most amazing instruments ever made. Now you can also get the KARMA software for the TRITON series. If you have a computer, you can have the best of both worlds:

I don't think KARMA is a good first synth though. Though it can produce a lot of nice sounding grooves right out of the box, to really get the most out of it requires a major dedication of time and effort. (A committment I haven't been able to make as yet.) On the other hand, KARMA, especially if you get the MW software, has a virtually unlimited potential and I really don't think it will ever get old or that it's possible to outgrow it.

The only drawback to the Triton rack is that their soundset is getting a little dated and they don't seem to be adding any new expansion cards.
