Need a lil help.

Bagged Taco

New member
Well thanks to the advice of people.. Ive moved up in the world a little bit.. My current setup is

Cubase SX
M-Audio Audiophile 24/96
Mackie Dfx6 6-Channel Mixer
Technics AX3 Keyboard Synth
Peavy Condencer Mic

But im a little confused on exactly how i should be hooking this up.. I have the mic on one channel.. the soundcard out on another channel.. but where should i take the soundcard in from?.. Im thinking one of the Aux channels so i can control what goes into it.. The Tape Out is no good because i dont want to re-record what is coming out from the sound card...

Second.. I know my synth is old but i only really want to use the Midi to control the VSTi's however i cant really figureout how to do that..

Im kinda new to home recording but the only way im ever going to get it done is if I dive in and do it.. I just bought most of the equipment yesterday..

Pit Pound Productions
Bagged Taco said:
Well thanks to the advice of people.. Ive moved up in the world a little bit.. My current setup is

Cubase SX
M-Audio Audiophile 24/96
Mackie Dfx6 6-Channel Mixer
Technics AX3 Keyboard Synth
Peavy Condencer Mic

But im a little confused on exactly how i should be hooking this up.. I have the mic on one channel.. the soundcard out on another channel.. but where should i take the soundcard in from?.. Im thinking one of the Aux channels so i can control what goes into it.. The Tape Out is no good because i dont want to re-record what is coming out from the sound card...

Second.. I know my synth is old but i only really want to use the Midi to control the VSTi's however i cant really figureout how to do that..

Okay... It's been a couple of days, so I'll take a shot, even though I'm not totally familiar with the specifics of some of your gear.

Audio setup: Mic into mixer (need to use it for the preamps if nothing else) into soundcard. (If you're recording direct line-level source ie. from guitar processor, etc., then you can plug straight into soundcard). How to do this... I sent my master output of my mixer (1/4" outputs) directly into the soundcard. For monitoring purposes, I run from my soundcard into the "tape in" RCA inputs of my mixer. The catch here is that you have to make sure that you don't create a loop, as you said. There is usually a way on most mixers where you can prevent this. It appears on yours, that the tape out can be muted on it's own set of faders, which is nice. Hopefully, though, it mutes it from the main outs, but will still let the signal go through the headphones for monitoring.

As long as your synth has midi out, you should be fine for doing what you want to do. Just make sure your midi track that is receiving the data is routed out to the VSTi, just as you would for playing back an existing midi track through a VSTi.

Does that help??

That helps alot.. thanks i used the Aux Channel on the mixer so i could turn the levels down sepirately on that :)

I also figured out my midi problem (heh im so slow :P) I had the out to out and in to in.. heh oops.. But now i have another problem.. there is a horrable delay from when i press a key on the keyboard untill i hear the sound from my monitors.. ive heard from the guy at the music shop i need to adjust my buffer.. im fiarly shure im useing the ASIO drivers but how can i check this?

Since ive posted that ive added some new equipment
A set of M-Audio BX5 Monitors
A DR-670 Drum Machine

Havent had a chance to try the midi on the drum machine yet to see if their is still a delay..

Hi there!

Ok, close Cubase, go to delta 2496 control panel, and set the buffer size to 128 samples (it's in hardware settings). That is enough buffer size. If you get clicks and pops, go higher step by step.
Forget about the latency you are hearing now, probably it's because you are hearing the Windows Synt GS shitty synth, not the one you want. I am right?

Well, go to the inspector panel in cubase and select Delta AP Emulated as midi IN, and Delta AP Midi as midi out. Select the same channel in Cubase, in your keyboard and in your Drum generator.

You will get the sound that you want without latency.

Hope it helps,

Forgot to mention: Check on Cubase: Devices Setup > VST Multitrack > Asio Driver: you should select M Audio Delta ASIO.