Need a Keyboard


New member
I want a keyboard to be used to play out loud and be able to use it for MIDI. I was hoping to be able to put the notes into the software and it would play it back with instruments in there.

Sorry if Im not amazing with explaining, but hopefully you can understand.

Im hoping for it to feel like a real piano, with good sensitivity. I also want a fair amount of keys, at least 61.

My budget is under $400.
Well why not go for a MIDI controller keyboard since u want to use it primarly with your software. All the sound would come from your computer.

Check out the M-Audio Radium 61 thats an example of an midi controller.

Let me know if thats up your alley.
Would it be in realtime? Like no delay in the sound? Like once I hit a key itll make the sound right away? That would be awesome, and probably cheaper.
The $199 one is just a keyboard. The $399 one has seven sounds of, I assume, pretty fair quality.

If you're going to go for one of the two primarily as a controller you might as well go for the cheaper one because they have basically the same keyboard. If you're interested in getting some sounds to work with the bigger one would be the choice.
Yup. I have a cheap 50 buck (or something like that like) midi keyboard, hooked up to my computer using a 10 buck cable, and I can get all the sounds I want out of my computer. Mind you, these software packages that give you the nice sounds are not cheap. Figure 200 bucks for something halfway decent, going up to 5000 bucks for a full orchestral top-notch sounding package.
andibleed said:
Would the first one be able to produce nice sounds if I have a good program for MIDI management?

If you are using the keyboard as an MIDI controller all i will do is control the sounds. No sounds will come out of the keyboard. The sounds played will be the ones u are using in your program such as Reason, FL, ect...
Yeah, but do most of those programs sound good? Also, as before, will I be able to hear the sounds as I play them through my speakers?