Need a Direct Box


I need something to bring my bass guitar directly in. I've never looked at direct boxes before, so don't know much about which brands are solid, and what the price ranges are. On Sweetwater, I see them from 29.95 to 799.00. I'm looking to maybe put $100 - $150 in one right now. Any suggestions?
How bout a dmp3? It's the best pre you can get for the $$ imo. I've never actually run my bass thru it, but it has a direct in, and if it works half as good as it works for a mic, it'll be great.
Tech21 sansamp bass new they might be a bit above $150 but used you should be able to find them in $120 (or less range)
+2 on the sans, if you're not expecting to mutate the bass with something like guitar rig 3... if you are, then get one of those pro co or tapco DI's and save yourself the $