Nano Reverb?


New member
Anyone here used or have the nano reverb? Is it noisy? Any good? I need some reverb and I don't want to spend a lot, a full rack space would be nice, but oh well.
The Nano is not a flexable reverb unit and isnt very accomedating
to change the effect given but the sound is very good for a $70-$100 reverb.

I recommend it for people that have no budget and cant afford or wont be able to afford a better unit ,

It can also run as a second reverb if you are thinking of buying in the future a new reverb.

Dont be fooled by the nanocompressors quality as compared to the reverb unit.

I got one about 3 years ago .It stopped working shortly after I got it !I still plug it in once a year to to see if it will work...oh that reminds me its about that time again!Now where did I put that peice of Sh**
