Naming conventions - not music related


New member
Sorry, I have to ask this question.

I noticed that most or all of the members on this forum have "whacky" screen names.

Is that a prerequisite for adhering to the rules of this forum? ;>)

Or, can I just use my real name, Merle? Maybe, if I knew how, I would change my name to elreM!!



P. s. (In all seriousness, I have learned lots of good info on this site, and, I'm glad I stumbled upon it).
You can use your own name but you have to know the secret handshake (the information on the secret handshake should've been included with your secret decoder ring).Klatu, baradus nickto.
Thanks Track Rat for the explaination! But, I understand that I will not receive my decoder ring until I post something like 50 times! Oh, well...

"Klatu, baradus nickto.". Did you just call me a dirty name?

Your name is actually Merle? I was gonna congratulate you on your creativity. Now I just feel sorry ;)

Actually nothing wrong with Merle.

Many of us use fake names because the government has special computers that search internet boards for certain key words. It is better to use a fake name so they cant cross-reference any of your posts with your library card records and then realize your the same guy who gets all those books about homemade napalm.

Or maybe that's just me?
"Your name is actually Merle? I was gonna congratulate you on your creativity. Now I just feel sorry"

Why do I suddenly feel that TexRoadKill just hit me upside the head with a rock?!

But, that's awright! I'm an American Indian, I won't forget!! = ;>)


(I should have never started this thread in the 1st place)...:>0