N-track/sound forge xp/acid:Can't thay all just get along?


New member
Hey this so cool, didnt even know that this forum was here...
ok i just bought Sound Forge XP and am using acid(The program not the.. well you know)i just got the N-track demo and its cool but i need to know a couple of things before i buy the full version:
1. can n-track and sound forge get along i mean can i record a track in ntrack and then send it to sound f to be edited and processed then sent back to ntrck?
2.i have acid dj and want to send some tracks from it to ntrck, i tryed it so far but no success what is it the ntrck or acid or am doing something wrong?
3.can i use a midiman D-man 2044 with ntrack?
4.does it let me record midi or do i need another program for that too?
5.whats the square root of 2000?
6.any thing else i need to know about it?
thanks sorry for so many questions.
1] Don't these programs both read and write .wav files? If so their products should be compatible. But that doesn't necessarily mean that these programs will run simultaneously on your system. As long as you've got the demo, give it a try!

5] 44.72135955

Are you carpeting your studio? :)
No i live in an apartement so im gona use sound treatment and stuff that wont do damage when i move out...
yeah i guess i was missing some thing there on the wave file stuff..
does anyone know about the midi thing?
oh and the midiman d-man?

[This message has been edited by reco (edited 10-03-1999).]
Soundforge should work just fine. When N-track notices a change in the track file size, it updates the file. I admit, I've never liked Soundforge, but N-track seems to be harmonious with Goldwave, so it should work too.. :)
what about the d-man 2044? will it work with ntrack? and do i need a midi sequencing program?
Actually, I'm not entirely sure.. I almost purchased a D-man about a month back, but decided to hold off for a bit, so I couldn't tell you.. N-track can work with MIDI files, but I usually prefer to bounce them to a WAV file first.. That way I can control the volume and the EQ more precisely..
As long as the topic came up again..."are you carpeting your studio". MacGuyver here with a handy home hanging tip for all you renters (like me). So many landlords and ladies bitch rather adamantly about nail holes in the walls, and this of course thwarts many things we want to do. So how then can we hang the carpet on the damn wall without peforating it? Hot glue gun! Yes gang. a modest gob of hot oozing glue in each corner will adhere the carpet (and picture frames to any wall. Concrete, wallbaord and paneling. Oh sure you say.. well how the hell do you take it down when you move? HA! Blowdryer. turn the dryer on high and warm the corner again. it will soften the glue and BAM off it drops with no harm to the wall!! Try it with a washcloth or carpet chunk on the back of a door if you don't believe me.
Hot glue gun - I'm in awe of some of the stuff that comes up on this page. Think it works on fickle fans?