N-Track quits after recording


New member
For some reason after I am recording a voice over N-track errors out once I press stop. Has this happened to anyone else. I am using Microsoft XP with just the factory issued sound card. I am trying to test out N-Tracks capability but so far it is not letting me record.
Post a run down of your hardware and software setup and someone can probably get to the bottom of your problem.

Also see what drivers you are using. Press ctrl+P in N-track and then click on 'Audio Devices'. Let us know which are highlighted both for recording and playback.

With that information, even I might be able to help a little. I had problems not so far different on and off for a little while.

Razor is right.

Also what build are you using???

Some of the earlier 3.x builds would do this. The current 3.3 build (1516?) on the website is stable; upgrade to it if you do not have the latest...
I am using the 4.0 Build off of their website, and here is what devices I have for recording:

DS - Intel(r) Integrated Audio
DS - Modem #0 Line Record (emulated)
DS - Primary Sound Capture Driver
MME: Intel(r) Integrated Audio
MME: Modem #0 Line Record
MME: Wave Mapper
1 - WDM: Intel(r) Integrated Audio

Hardware for this computer is REALLY basic: the sound card is the one that came from the Gateway Manufacturer. Actually everything on this computer is stock, no upgrades, except possibly for memory even then I believe it is only 256MB.

Software: Other than NTrack, I am also trying out Adobe Audition which used to be called cool edit. I am not sure what other relevant software would cause a glitch in the system. I am on an XP machine with Microsoft Office programs.
wait does it just close (the prgram)?
or it just stops recording
this happens alot in cakewalk....
when u have a lot of tracks....and it just stops

maybe u have alot of tracks recorded and ur recordin gmore and ur comp cant handle it?

while version 4 is no longer beta, i am a beleiver in letting the bugs get worked out before i upgrade from 3.3 , there are some serious stability issues with 4.0

just a thought
I'm waiting myself... I'm a longtime user of N-Track (from v2.1) but my #1 rule is to never install a x.0 release. Let the others work out the gotchas.

Have you tried recording with the 3.3 build??? If you purchased 4.0, Flavio might also give you codes for 3.3 to test it out...
Yeah that is quite possibly the problem. Luckily I didn't shell out any dough yet, I am using the trial version from the website. I am unsure of the software I really want to use because it has to be super easy for all of the employees at my office to use (most of who are technophobes). So my bosses aren't willing to drop $$ for software we may not use. So being the tech geek I get to test all of these out. Is there a place to get the trial version of 3.3?
4.0 so far so good

I have almost zero stick time with digital recorders and have been messing around with 4.0. So far so good, no problems. I'm on an XP platform, P4 with 512K of memory with a Mobile pre 16bit external sound card. I am also setting up a dedicated Win2000, P3 with 256K. It will interesting to see how it performs on that machine.
Make sure you have the latest drivers for the sound card from the mobo manufaturer. Those onboard sound cards are notorius for crashing things all over the place. I just got a new DAW and the built in sound card crashed N, Cubase, Cakewalk, you name it. As soon as I disabled it and got a real sound card, all the problems went away. Keep in mind, those cards are meant for basic Windows bloops and blleps, not what we try to make them do with audio applications and the drivers are often crappy.
Mine freezes when I make any kind of fader, EQ or FX adjustment. Can anyone help? Or just tell me to shut up and start my own thread?
Post in either the Ntrack forum www.ntrack.com (which seems to be down today. ???) or at Audio MInds www.audiominds.com . You'll get 10x more responses. But when you do post, post as much as you can about your hardware and software configuration... video card, soundcard, drivers used, OS version, etc.
bubbagump said:
Post in either the Ntrack forum www.ntrack.com (which seems to be down today. ???) or at Audio MInds www.audiominds.com . You'll get 10x more responses. But when you do post, post as much as you can about your hardware and software configuration... video card, soundcard, drivers used, OS version, etc.

Thanks- had a massive brain cramp, forgot about the n-track forum (which does indeed seem to be down) Thanks for the advice on tech specs.

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