Mystery Machine


New member
I was told by my father that an uncle of mine was offered a large piece of equipment for some work he did. Whatever it is, he doesn't want it.

Between the two of them, I heard many interesting things that have gotten my mind racing trying to think of what it could be. Things like: "once owned by the CBC", "first of its kind", "16 track" and "huge", "belongs in a museum"

Any ideas guys?

While waiting for pictures, I've managed to set myself up for disappointment. :facepalm: Massive, 16 tracks, belongs in a museum, first of it's kind?! I'm hoping for an Ampex MM1000... Yeah, I know... The odds are pretty slim, aren't they?
Im guessing tape machine too. CBC. It would be some sort of sound/broadcasting equipment.
Keep us posted.
Im guessing tape machine too. CBC. It would be some sort of sound/broadcasting equipment.
Keep us posted.

I hope it's a tape machine! I wouldn't mind a good good relay logic machine!

I'll be sure to post about it here when I know!
Hope it's not a logging recorder...

Well, it is Canada after all.

With all the fires...there won't be much logging.

OK...not trying make fun of the Canada's total destruction up there in Alberta...feel bad for those folks.
I was told by my father that an uncle of mine was offered a large piece of equipment for some work he did. Whatever it is, he doesn't want it.

Between the two of them, I heard many interesting things that have gotten my mind racing trying to think of what it could be. Things like: "once owned by the CBC", "first of its kind", "16 track" and "huge", "belongs in a museum"

Any ideas guys?

While waiting for pictures, I've managed to set myself up for disappointment. :facepalm: Massive, 16 tracks, belongs in a museum, first of it's kind?! I'm hoping for an Ampex MM1000... Yeah, I know... The odds are pretty slim, aren't they?

Probably a previously unreleased double LP from some obscure band. :eek:
Aim low - never be disappointed.
Logging! lol Touche!!!

If it's a reel to reel deck, I can't complain. If it's a large turntable, that could be interesting as well. If it's a nice mixing board, well free is good.

I'm just too preoccupied with finding out what it is. I can't focus on anything else at the moment. My mind keeps drifting to that mystery machine. I hope I get an email with some pics soon.
The mystery machine turned out to be a mixing board. I don't know what make or model, but I'm not interested anyway. My dreams of an Ampex MM1000 are crushed! :p
Wait...big free mixing're going to start this thread and then months later report back "not interested" and leave us hanging as to make and model??

[fumbling around looking for instructions on how to report member to forum admin]


Seriously...that's it???
I bought, from a very vague Ebay advert a state of the art digital mixing desk, and it looked amazing in the pictures. From Kate bush's studio. Everything lit up like an aircraft cockpit, it was clearly a Yamaha and had after a quick google, a very impressive spec. I bought it and it turned up on a pallet. It was small, but took me and my neighbour an hour to get indoors. It lit up. Faders moved and memories memoried. I turned it round to plug things in and it didn't have any conventional connectors. Three line inputs on XLR was it in terms of analogue. They worked. Everything else was digital on DB25 connectors in AES/EBU format. I had one device with this format and that reported the wrong sample rate. It was the first Yamaha digital desk, and not one device I owned could be connected. I took it to the theatre I run, and after two years had failed to give it away, and it went into a skip. Beautiful piece of vintage machinery, and totally useless.
I would have no real use for a 16 track mixing board, unless maybe I had a 16 track recorder. All it would do is take up space.

And as far as not even finding out what it is to let you guys know, that's not my deal. Like I said, it was my uncle who told me about it and he's far to busy running his own business to go running around chasing things for me that I don't want or need.
Given the CBC connection, it's probably not a Behringer. Could be a lovely Ward Beck or something...
I'd ask but, hey, that's me.
If it's modular you have racking and convenient resale opportunities too...
Maybe some nice eqs, maybe compressors... Worth asking.
Sixteen channel mixing board. Tape recorders have tracks, mixers have channels.

I am aware, thanks. That's what I get for rattling off a reply after four hours of sleep in the few spare minutes before work. :thumbs up:

I have no desire to bother my uncle with questions I'm afraid. Even if the mixer turned out to be some desirable make or model, I would have to arrange a trip to the city with a driver to pick it up (I don't drive), coordinate that with my uncle who barely has a second to give me the time of day it seems, and then manage to more or less sneak the unit out of the building that it is in.

The way my uncle talked about it, it's big. A large table sized unit. It could even be a massive 72 channel unit like the one I saw when I picked up the MCI. If that were the case and I managed to move it, I wouldn't have room for it.

Also, I had to ask him about it. I never got a reply from him. I sent him a reminder email and he said that it was a mixer and that he assumed that I was not interested. And unless he's going to do all the work of acquiring it and delivering it to my house, he was right.

For all I know, it's not even there anymore. But if there are any tape decks there, I expect to hear about them eventually.