My vocal booth

Well it's been an ass kicker of a day today. 10pm at night and I'm just finishing up the day job.

I had planned to work some more on the booth this weekend but I suspect my "honey do" list will have to take priority, especially since I didn't get to start on it tonight.
Don't feel too bad, i haven't (for various reasons) been able to get one complete booth built, floored, painted, treated and wired up over the whole summer. I have 3 in various stages of "someday they'll be done".

On your door: On my doors i added a rectangle of 1 x 2 like a stop that the door hits when closed (Even across the bottom). To the 1x2 i liquid nailed weather stripping so when you close the door against it it forms a pretty decent seal.

Maybe this is something like how all doors are done minus the strip across the bottom, (Not sure) but just thought i'd share it in case you were stuck for a solution.

Bill: That door stop is a pretty good idea. Thanks.

Rick: that's very cool. Thanks for posting the link.

I've thought about using case fans, the good ones are really quiet, but I'm wondering if they can push/pull enough air to be effective on something as large as my booth. I'll give the fan issue more thought.

Other notes:

Bought Rod Gervais' Home Recording Studio: Build It Like The Pros today at Borders. Honestly I was surprised they had any in the store. I bought the only copy.

Also picked up some fabric at JoAnn's for some absorbers. I'll have to post pics when I get them hung.
Thank you. It's coming along rather nicely. I should probably finish it up, but I'm having way too much fun recording in it right now.