My tune...updated

listening as i type this, man i liek the guitar work in this, they sound very fat, the vox sound great to, wow is that you singing very nice voice. this is a great song i didnt hear the other version but i can tell you that this song kicks major butt. realy enjoying this. thanks for sharing this, this has a awesome 80s metal sound to it and i loved the 80s. excellent job and the mix dont sound bad anywhere that i can hear with my untrained ears.
god bless the flash
nice sounds. I like the guitar effects you used on the intro, the 1st guitar is a little chopped off sounding in the low mids to me. . The next guitar has a really awesome sound to it, really full. The vocals, good but could stand a touch of brilliance to bring them out a little more. The kick drum has two primary tones, the click which is kinda strong and the low low end thats wrestling with the bass. You might could take some lows off the bass and let the lows on the kick come thru a little cleaner, or vice versa. Good arrangement.
I remember this tune

Good hook!

Nit picks:

The bass is a tad hot on the intro, and the tone is a bit thick in general.

The opening vocal where you sing "it's true" sounds strange to me, like you should keep it simpler note-wise.

The guitars sound good, but are a bit too loud during the verses. Bring 'em down there a bit, and back up for the choruses. Bring the vocals up a bit too during the choruses and you'll have a nice dynamic mix happenin'.

At the end of the choruses where you sing "tell you", I think you should add some backing vocals there as well to fatten it up and add emphasis.

I can imagine hearing this tune on the radio.:cool:
Cool song.

The sounds are nice on my Roland micro monitors (boom box type speakers). The, I guess, lead (?) guitar seems a bit drowned in the mix after the intro.

The lyrics get a bit cheezy in the middle but not horible.

Good job.

Ok on second listen the rythym guitar seems a bit boomy. The lead break is killer.

Oh yeah, and the lyrics are totally cheezy.;)
Ahh yes...Cheeze! It's cool. I'd be the first to admit it :)

Thanks for the replys...I've had some time to listen again and I am going to make some adjustments later tonight (lower the guitars and re-eq the bass and possibly re record the backup vocals AGAIN!) .

The lead vocal is not me, he sings and played guitar (except for the break section, that's me). I played all other instruments and programmed the drums.
wilsoncat said:
Ahh yes...Cheeze! It's cool. I'd be the first to admit it :)

Thanks for the replys...I've had some time to listen again and I am going to make some adjustments later tonight (lower the guitars and re-eq the bass and possibly re record the backup vocals AGAIN!) .

The lead vocal is not me, he sings and played guitar (except for the break section, that's me). I played all other instruments and programmed the drums.

Sounds really good!

I have heard many demo type recordings and yours has a very polished feel to it.

I look forward to hearing the final mix.

I am very impressed.

Great Job
