My technique for Fostex with Pro Tools

Lawrence Bulloc

New member
I am sure I'm not the only person who has been doing this, but I have found that it is easier for me to use the Fostex VF-160 as my recording unit, then backup the tracks to a CD (in the built in CD burner) and then upload the files to my Macintosh iBook G4 and Pro Tools and "finese" them there. If I change a track, or do anything different, I only have to burn the tracks I need and add them later.

Ultimately the Fostex is more user friendly for me in the recording stage (no latency, etc) and the Pro Tools more user friendly when I comes to mixing and mastering.

Anyone else using this technique?

I do 99% of my tracking on my fostex VF160's.

All my mixing is done in reaper. Come over to the dark side. A lot of protools users seem to be jumping ship and going to protools.