My Studio So Far

Krazy Delinquet

New member
So far I got a computer with 700 Mhz with a intel Celeron Processor. 64 ram and a 20.GB hard drive. I don't got a good sound card yet.

My software I got is Pro Tools, Sonic Foundry Acid,Fruity Loops,and Anvil Studio. I am so tired of loops I want to make my on shit.

I also got a cheap keyboard I brought for 200. Im in to hip-hop and rap. So I need yall to tell me some stuff thats good for maken professional music. The budget I got is about 10,000.
(Thats the music I was going to use to go to Music College)

1. a real sound card/interface $500
2. a real keyboard that has a million sounds $1400
3. a decent rythem sampler/ sequencer $500
4. a boomerang
Mixer, monitors...

Use the search function in the upper right hand corner of the page, it is quite useful! You'll find that many questions have been answered numerous times.
No point getting a sampler when U have Fruity Loops and Acid Pro, which ARE SAMPLERS themselves..... and I don't think U need that expensive of a soundcard, U need a quality sound card, and U don't need anymore that 2 inputs for rap, at least in my opinion, especially with having software samplers, so U should be able to get a good soundcard for $250-300US dollars.

But I do agree with a good keyboard, that would be quite helpful.

hello man into rap...and even if u have 10k to burn be smart with it...i think you should buy an mpc2000,digi001,with the cm automation control surface, and get a triton. then get a computer based cd-r,two good mics, and you will be in can spen some exrta dough to get plug-in pacages....(waves..)but even then you would have only spent half of the $ and u will have a studio that u can do seirous recording in.
Wow....... I didn't notice his budget........ but I agree that U don't need to spend all that money. U really don't need that much equipment =)

Krazy, I would take your music college fund and
go to MUSIC COLLEGE. There is nothing like a
formal education, and if you can get one, get one.
You wont need gear, the college will have it all.

I dont think many people in this forum went to
music school, and sometimes there is a bit of
a pride thing with people being self taught.
But you will learn so much from School that you
had no idea about. The connections you will meet
could pay off big time some day.

I graduated from a top music school, trust me,
the music college thing is cool as hell.

Just my two cents, David
Krazy, you are obviously into education, if
not you wouldnt be in this forum!! There are many
ways to learn, including forums like this, where
you can ask a question and it will be answered.

You can't top music school by yourself, no way.
The classes you could take are overwhelming:
Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, Jazz,
Rap, etc. A music school will assign you a group
to play in. When I was in school, I was in some
groups, and a few of my pals became famous. I have
also made out very well, I got a 2001 Beetle
in my Garage, and I have never had a job in my
life, just playing violin.My violin cost
as much as a new house, and it is paid for.

Do you know about the Classical Composers?
Even if that is not your Style, a good education
will teach you all forms of Music. I am a classical
player, yet I know about Eminem, Snoop Doggy
Dogg, LLCoolJ, as well as Chick Corea, Pavarotti,
Yanni, Barry Manilow, Raffi, Tiny Tim, The Beatles,
Liberace, the Dead Kennedys, the Clash, and Barney
( my neice likes him). A solid education will
make you be able to understand all types of music,
not just the type you are into.

A solid musician can play in any style, and
you will get that in music school. I play
with a heavy metal band right now, and do
symphony work as well.
The music biz sucks, and the chances of making
a living at it stink. With an Education, your
chances are 100% better. Email me if you
want to know more about it, you have an
opportunity to change the course of your life
here, or else buy some gear that will be
obsolete in 6 Months. Cheers, David
What's up KD. :)

DavidK is correct in telling you to go to school and get your education.

It will teach you a multitude of things and I'm not just talking about the various music aspects.

It will teach you discipline and persistance (among other things).

Let us not mention all of the contacts you will make and the broadened base of musical knowledge you will absorb.

I'm not saying that it is necessary for you or anybody else to go to a school of higher learning, but if you have the opportunity to attend one of these institutions, then you should.

You need to decide if this is something you truly want to do.

You don't want to waste your time...

I procured my degree in graphic Design, but now I am not doing "label design" anymore.

I produce "house tracks" and I dee-jay, but, some of the contacts I have at oversea record labels and oversea clubs are friends that I met in college, so go figure. :)

So, I've said all of that just to say this...

Figure out what YOU like and want to do, then pursue it wholeheartedly.


P.S. If you are still going to spend some money then get...

MORE RAM! I have 256ram you will need at least 128ram

MPC 2000 (you have to able to flip those beats like Premier :) )

Keyboard like a Kurzweil 2600 or Roland XP series (don't get the Triton, it doesn't have an OPTICAL or DIGITAL OUTS)

You need an interface (I think Roland has one coming out soon that connects through your USB port)

A great sound card (I am sure somebody here at will give you some good suggestions). Make sure you have at least 8 INS.

Event Monitors (these are great)!

Some mic's (again search this BBS to see which ones you should purchase)

You will also need an out-board unit to warm up your tracks (I forgot which piece RZA uses, so I'll post you later with the name of the piece) :).

I don't know if you will want to use that Celeron processor, you might want/need to go with a PIII or PIV.
