my song with Adobe Audition.

Hey, sounds good. Being in mp3 is kind of messing up some of the frequencies I can hear tho. Can I offer a suggestion? You've got a very Radio Head like song, and it doesn't really have a resolution. I think if you would add in a driving part with a couple of major chords, it would do wonders. I think a G major for 8 beats followed by an F major for 8 beats (repeat as you see fit) would work very well in this song's case.
I agree with the above, it sounds great and has a great vibe but it doesn't go anywhere. I think the chords idea would work and perhaps some spoken/lightly sung lyrics ?

I concur with the other posters....

Where is the song going? It just kinda wanders around without resolution. It is a great start to something. :)

Sound quality...well, the pesky MP3 really can't show true qualities. Seems like the mixing is OK, but I'm not sure about the drums. Seems the snare wavers a little in loudness and the get kinda muffled out here and there.

Also, probably no need to post this is three different forums. I gather you might be trying to promote yourself, but the MP3 Clinic (this one) is just fine and posting in here will probably garner more opinions for you. ;)
Kind of a Beatles effect with the backward sound to it - cool - how did you get the drums and music to go together on the beat? Good mix overall too. Need some vocals now - something like Strawberry Fields flavor to it.... :)
in order to get everything on beat i recorded one track of me doing guitar scratches (hitting all the strings with no notes)... i reversed that track along with my two piano tracks and other two guitar tracks. i used this instead of a click track to record the drums and other guitar parts. when i mixed the whole song down i just left that track behind.

as for the other posters, thanks for the suggestions. i am in no way trying to "promote" myself... thats actually the last thing on my mind. this is just something i experimented with one day for an hour or two... everyone has those times where you just sit down and record anything you can come up with dont we? this is a result of just that. i posted in the other forums just to get more opinions or suggestions from others using my same equiptment.
Pretty ingenious method of recording. Now for all us noobs - how did you reverse the tracks - must be software right?
i did do the reversing with software. i used adobe audition which made it pretty easy. before i had audition though i would actually go back to my old 4-track tape recorder and do it that way. i could have made the same song using the four track but itd sound a little different. first id have to record the tracks forward and then play the tape from the other side to hear them backwards. ive done that before too but digital recording/mixing is much cleaner.
I really like the feel also. I would love to hear what would happen if you tried to shape it a little and make a song out of it. I would definitely listen to it! ;)