My song, help needed


New member
Hello. I wrote this song with virtual guitars and drums so I need someone who can tell what do I need to do that this sounds better.
I mean does guitars have too much high freq, there are to quiet,
or meybe something wrong is with drums, bass guitar etc ?

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It sounds all right, except for a kind of scratchy high-frequency noise that I think is the cymbals (virtual cymbals). I'm guessing that they are part of the virtual drum ensemble--are they compressed or treated in some way? It sounds bad. If they can be removed, I'd remove them. Perhaps you're sending the whole kit through a compressor. If you can, solo the cymbals, and see what they sound like.
Yes, definitely the cymbals. Can you change the sample on that to something with a little more depth... or at least cut some of the high end?

I really like the EDM/metal mix you have going on here!

Other than that hi-hat ringing, I'd say its pretty cool, (The guitar break around 3:30 sounds a bit fake). Will you post it with vocals?
Other than that hi-hat ringing, I'd say its pretty cool, (The guitar break around 3:30 sounds a bit fake). Will you post it with vocals?

Unfortunately I dont have mic and dont know anyone who can record his own vocal for it.
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This sounds great to's right for the style. When you compare it to other mixes in the same genre that you like, are you finding that it's not up to par?

I think from a mix perspective, the guitar melody at ~1:50 should be a little louder, but that's pretty minor.

If you are interested in collaboration, there's a pretty cool site you might want to check out called Kompoz - Kompoz

I'll bet you could upload what you have and get a lyricist/vocalist to work with you to finish it up in no time. Good luck with it!


Dave DeWhitt
When you compare it to other mixes in the same genre that you like, are you finding that it's not up to par?

Sorry m8 but I dont exacly know what you mean in this question, my english its not soo good ;) If you are mean that I compare my mix to other Im not I'm trying to create my own with things which I like.
In general I thought it sounded excellent. Nice tone on the guitars. Excellent sounding low end.

Yeah I guess there is a cheap sounding cymbal or two in there. But other than that, I thought it was real good.