My small collection - Taylor, Washburn and Larrivee


New member
I recently added a Larrivee to my collection - this is the first time that I've gotten all three acoustics together to take a pic. These were all bought new in the Ottawa area:
  • Washburn D20S/N : bought in 1994
  • Taylor 214 : bought in 2007
  • Larrivee OM-05 : bought this year, Feb 2010
I mostly play the Taylor and the Larrivee, although I actually prefer the neck size of the Washburn - its deeper than the other two and fits nicely into my left hand. The Taylor is the easiest to play - nice action which is effortless.

The Washburn is solid top only - sides are laminated. It's a very bright guitar and sounds merely okay.

The Larrivee is the "looker" of the group and has the sweetest tone, although its a very quiet guitar: records very nicely. I'm still getting used to the wider fingerboard.

I like the variety of tones in this group, but I would like to add a better dreadnought at some point. I've been playing a friends 1970s D18 and D28 and have started to fall under the Martin spell.

That Larrivee is a beaut. I'm jealous. Must keep an eye out for one after I track down another Breedlove I like. I was playing a 000 type Washburn in a shop here a few months back and the projection was amazing, really good for finger-style blues, lots of tasty runs in the open positions.