My Setup

Wow...that has to be one of the most compact studios Ive ever seen. I think a volkswagen beetle has more room.

I say...aren't those nearfields a little too near to eachother?

Yeah, but does it work?

ya baby!
That's a mighty fine setup - I suppose with that new fast puter half the gear is now redundent :)

That's a nice collection of stuff.

Two nice, top of the line Tascams, and all that other stuff.

Nice text and graphics!;)

Alot of times When I read post, I wonder what people are working with. I have the means to show you all what I work with on a regular basis. So that is what I have done!
Cool setup!! Do you have two dual cassette decks in there? That's almost as good as another Tascam unit ;)
Anyway, it's good to know I am not the only one who's studio doesn't look like John's.

Do you use the internl Sampler at all? If so if it easy to use?
I usually use the ASR to sample, but there's people in my outfit that uses the EPS 16 Plus and others the like to use software in the PC's
I want to hear some music this studio produce
Coming very soon, I hear alot on my plate right now so it's going to be a minuet before I can post some songs
Do you have two dual cassette decks in there
Yeah there are two decks there