My Satriani Collection


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Here's my Satriani collection some here may appreciate. I also have a couple of ancestors of the same lineage. I've not bought a guitar in over 10 months now so I might be getting better.




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Hey, nice collection there. I contemplated a long time ago buying a JS but never did. I went through all your pics! Where did you catch the fish and what is it? I'm not good on fish ID. Hope you don't actually take the guits out in the boat!
The first 3 pics are of a Northern Pike caught by an angler that never actually hooked the fish. It bit a 3 foot long pike the angler hooked and would not let go. Somewhere around 56 lbs. The other fish picture is of me holding up a pair of nice sized Walleyes.
Nice collection. Beautiful in fact.

Face it, we never really get better :p we just wait a little longer before the next one :D
What a waste of money, think of all the real guitars you could have bought.

In all fairness, those are real guitars. But I get what you're saying. I'm a huge Satchmo fan, but I want a strat. I want a tele. I want a 335. I want a L5. I wan't P Bass. I want a J Bass. I want an Axis. I want a Les Paul. And a Paul Jr. I want a V. I want a Gretsch or two. I want a mando, a banjo and a uke.

Okay, I have lots of those, but you get my point: I want one of every flavor before I want 8 of the same flavor.

Different courses for different horses though. So how do those babies sound? Love to hear a track or two!
What a waste of money, think of all the real guitars you could have bought.

In all fairness, those are real guitars. But I get what you're saying. I'm a huge Satchmo fan, but I want a strat. I want a tele. I want a 335. I want a L5. I wan't P Bass. I want a J Bass. I want an Axis. I want a Les Paul. And a Paul Jr. I want a V. I want a Gretsch or two. I want a mando, a banjo and a uke.

Okay, I have lots of those, but you get my point: I want one of every flavor before I want 8 of the same flavor.

Different courses for different horses though. So how do those babies sound? Love to hear a track or two!

I respect your opinion and will fight to the death, your right to it. I may not agree with it, but respect your right to it. What you might consider a waste of money, I consider an investment. I started playing guitar at age 10 in 1964. In 67, after saving my paper route money for a year, my parents matched me, dollar for dollar, and I bought a used 57 Goldtop for 375. I played it for two years in our "basement" band and that thing was heavy. I picked up a SG at a local music store in 69 and fell in love. Very light and it rocked. I stupidly sold that goldtop 2 years later for 500. I bought the SG and still had some money left over. I thought I was making out quite well because I had played it for two years and sold her for a profit. I really regretted selling that guitar because a few short years later, they started skyrocketing in price. Have you seen what these go for nowdays. What a maroon I was to sell that guitar. Lesson learned. Now, I'm not saying a Chromeboy or a Crystal Planet are the next 57 LP, or a 59 if you really want an example of highly collectable guitar, but 7 of the 8 JS guitars were bought for less than I could sell them for. The one I spent too much on is the one I play the most, and it was settup by the guy that does Joe's initial settups. That was worth the extra I paid for it because it's my main player. I play all of these guitars, but the rarer ones get played with caution.
Now I was weined on Gibsons. but had a 3 year affair with a Strat in the mid 70's. It was a wonderful guitar but I still preferred my SG's.That's another one I wish I'd never sold. Even though it was an early 70's model, it would be worth 4 fold what I paid for it today. My favorite SG is one I bought in 72. 3 pickups in a black walnut finish. It easily has more play time than all of my others combined. I still have that one. I have had and sold more guitars than most for someone who has played as long as I have. I presently have 19. Gibson, Fender, Ibanez , Martin, Harmony, and Blueberry. The next one on my wish list is a Suhr Modern. so again, I can respect your opinion but not necessarily agree with it.
Cheers, Jeff

YouTube - Always With Me, Always With You.mp4
That's cool man! And you don't need to fight for my opinion--it's just my opinion! Like I said, I'm a huge Joe fan, so I almost get it. Knowing the other guits you've got makes me that much closer to getting it.

I saw Joe live a couple times this year--but both times from way back in a big room. What's his amp of choice these days?