My Recording *Please Judge*

How does it sound

  • Goodish

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Bad

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters
BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD just kidding its almost goodish. But your singer sucks.

p.s. I am the singer.
I like the music. I'm not a fan of the vocals, or the lyrics. Mix wise they're a bit quiet and need a bit of levelling in places (as far as I listened, anyway)... a bit overwrought for my tastes. You asked! :thumbs up:
I liked the song and your voice is unique. That's a tough song to sing especially when you changed tempos but I thought you did a decent job with it. Nice acoustic guitar playing.
Overall I liked it. The vocals and acoustic seem to be competing for space at times. Also not sure what's going on with the volume swells (especially coming into the first chorus), but the levels aren't even throughout the recording process (maybe the guitar and/or singer are moving towards/away from the mic?). If you have a wave file editor, try bumping some of the softer sections of acoustic and vocal to match the levels in the remainder of the track. I wouldn't suggest compression as that will change the recording's character too much.

The section I'm referring to is from roughly 0:51 - 1:05
This is my acoustic song that I have worked on for the past three hours (Its 3AM). Please tell me what you hated/liked. It is my first official acoustic song and you should say whats wrong. Thanks!

The song itself seems okay. Not the catchiest melody of all time, sounds like a bunch of other angsty songs out there.

The guitar part is well performed, definitely the strongest part of the whole thing. The lead vocal gets buried at points. Partly due to levels, partly because of eq issues with the guitar and vocal. Peel away some of the boomy elements of the guitar, bring the guitar down a tad or the vocal up. Eq and/or a multiband compressor would probably help both.

The line "I've just become consensed (?) with these tears in my eyes" doesn't seem to make sense.
I agree with brassplyer's critique.

The vocal has a slight vibrato in spots which didn't work for me. A pitchy spot or two.

The section that began at :52 was a bit too fast to get all the words in. It's too rushed.
The song itself seems okay. Not the catchiest melody of all time, sounds like a bunch of other angsty songs out there.

The guitar part is well performed, definitely the strongest part of the whole thing. The lead vocal gets buried at points. Partly due to levels, partly because of eq issues with the guitar and vocal. Peel away some of the boomy elements of the guitar, bring the guitar down a tad or the vocal up. Eq and/or a multiband compressor would probably help both.

The line "I've just become consensed (?) with these tears in my eyes" doesn't seem to make sense.

Content is the word, I just become content with these tears in my eyes
I hated that you did it between midnight and 3 am. You might turn down the guitars vis a vis the vocal and everything else. It might be good. No matter what time you do it.

If you turn down the guitars, the vocals will pop out and it'll be easier to tell what they need.