my pre amp/ sound card question


New member
im well on my way now to setting up my computer based studio and ive started purchasing equipment but to finish the order, i need to ask some more questions. so far ive got a pod 2.0, a shure ksm27, and a nice set of studio ref headphones. now ive had my eye on the mackie 1202 because i record all my own tracks individually and its more than enough for me. both the mackie and the pod have pre's built in but someone had mentioned that low end mixers didnt have the nicest pre amps. i was wondering how good either of these pre's were and if they are, would getting a card with its own pre amps be unnecessary then?

another question, which could get very lengthy answers, would be about what distingushes a sound cards a/d converters, Db/ohm ranges etc? all these card specs with the exception of 24/96 i hardly understand. can anyone enlighten me on the specs if you have the time? basicly i want a card that records at exceptional ranges, isnt more than what i really need, and provides quality tracking at the lowest possible price (up to 500 but keep in mind id rather pay a lot less.) im not in need of spectacular effects because my pod has just about everything covered that i would use. however a breakout box w/ 1/4 ins would be nice considering ease of cabling, but it isnt mandatory. id also like to stay away from usb devices and stay with a pci card.

ps, anyone care to tell me what function s/pdif plays on a card?
