My POD is a smoke-blowing maracca now...

Kelly Holdridge

New member
Big sale with PODs. Whoopee, get one, find out it's fun for about two hours and then reveals itself as just another pedal. So we start using it as a harmonica pre-amp (we're live for the most part), and it works really well. Until I plug it in for an outdoor show without knowing Heather had dropped it earlier...

Three capicitors blew; you can see the wads of paper still attached to the circuit board. Since I've kept the other "halves" of the capacitors in the case (so I can show Line6 that it really was THEIR fault, lol), it's now a red kidney-shaped maracca.

I'm so pissed. Haven't even SENT the rebate stuff, so it's still ~$400 that COULD have been some condensors or used Layla card or mexican Tele....


Dammit. It's Heather's birthday today, too, so I can't really gripe about it. Plus, this happened about a month ago, and I should be over it by now.


(I'll scan the innards and post later on... ya'll might dig seeing what might blow if you drop this sucker...)
