My PC has gone CRAZY..Help!


New member
For about 6 months Ive been recording without a single problem... I have an HP with a 1gig AMD, 300+RAM and XP Pro, I also run two cards, a 24/96 and a Delta 66 and run Sonar. I had been recording at 22,050 for demo reasons, and when I track drums I record 6 channels at a time, 2 on the 24/96 and 4 on the Delta...Never a Problem!

We'll, now Ive uped the gusto to 44.1 so I can rerecord the tracks and print to disc...and all hell has broken loose. First my tracks sounded like 20 year old vinal, clicks all over the place. When I tuned them down (but not off like before) the latency screwed my drum tracks because the 6 different tracks would start to sound like 6 different drumers...and then the dropouts!!! Oh dear god the horror of the dropouts!!!

I have tried (or feel like I have tried) every combination of buffer, sampling rate...I have run the profiler everytime, the rates in Sonar and on the cards are the same, and yes I "unclicked" the "reset rate when idle" button. I even updated my drivers! I'm at a loss and I'm losing precious time...I need to fix this and lay tracks for some vocal recording I'm doing (hopefully) in a week and a half...
