my new micron


New member
I just bought a alesis micron and im disappointed. Its not what I have expected. I make hiphop beats. I realize that the micron better for elctronic music. Someone use it for hiphop music ? Which place the micron takes in your home studio ? What is its utility ?
What were u expecting? The is no such thing as an electronic music or hip hop synth. A synth is a synth.

Look for some different patches or make your own
ditto to what altitude says. The Microns/Ions come with presets which are geared more towards the Euro-Tech sounds, and good recreations of just about every quintessential 70's/80's synth sounds. But there is more than enough architecture in a Micron to build sounds for any style of music.

Here is a nice primer on synthesis if you need it:

And here is the link to Ion/Micron users group:
Tons of free patches, editors, advice.
Just for clarity, when you say "I make hip-hop beats" your refering to the drums or rythmic content right? The Micron dosent realy have any drum sounds persay.
Terminology is important here.
The Micron will make bass and synth lead sounds and some pad sounds ect ect or pretty much any odd ball sound you can tweek out of it.
If you want to make beats then you need a drum machine or an MPC.

If you mean entire musical parts when you say "Beats" then that just an improper term.

Altitude909 - what do you mean? Have you not heard of the Roland Hip Hop 2000 and the Korg Electronic Music Station? They're great genre-based synths.

Still trying to get my hands on the Yamaha Brian-Eno-meets-Herb-Alpert-and-the-Tiahuana-Brass synth...
blazingstrings said:
The Micron dosent realy have any drum sounds persay.
Wanna Bet??? You can actually get some really good drum sounds out of it. As easy as with a dedicated drum machine, where the presets are all 100% ready to go...NO!!! But you can get sounds that rival the best of any drum machine, and with much more sonic control than most. Start with some of the rhythmic patterns in the upper presets, turn off the arp and sequencers, and start tweaking those sounds. Play around with all those filters. In time you will find something you like (or not, in which case, sell it :D ).
If your synth has a noise generater, a few oscillators , filters and a couple of envelopes with a couple of LFO`s thrown in then you can make drum beats, add an arp and with some careful foolin around you can make basic drum patterns :)

The ion,micron is a VA (virtual analogue) and has all the above sections to utilize , just gotta put in the time to figure out how to make basic sounds, in fact you may want to dedicate some time to learning how sound is created period. Understanding the basic principles of sound engineering does wonders for your patch creation ability.

Atterion posted some good links , it will save you time in the long run to spend a few evenings reading them :D
Atterion I didnt say it wouldnt make drum sounds.
Re-read what I said.
But I did suggest that if you want instant drum sounds a drum machine is an answer. Not the only answer.

Read more carefully before you fire a shot at me please. I'm not stupid I own or owned a couple of VA synths (MicroKorg, MS-2000 and a Ion) and a few others I know they can make synthetic drum tones, I didnt say they cant.

blazingstrings said:
Atterion I didnt say it wouldnt make drum sounds.
Re-read what I said.
But I did suggest that if you want instant drum sounds a drum machine is an answer. Not the only answer.

Read more carefully before you fire a shot at me please. I'm not stupid I own or owned a couple of VA synths (MicroKorg, MS-2000 and a Ion) and a few others I know they can make synthetic drum tones, I didnt say they cant.

I didn't say that you said anything about anything...I simply quoted what you said. Re-read what I wrote in response too, a direct quote by YOU. And I NEVER said you didn't say it wouldn't do drum sounds, and I too support the drum machine option. But I'm not here to bicker with you, I'm here to help Charlesp get the most out of what he has. I was probably in a pissey mood when I wrote that, as I had just gotten done work, and I apologize. Now let's move on.