My New DAW :(

Sir Dingo

New member
Just spent a load of cash on what is supposed to be a great new DAW for my studio....but I'm having some issues....

The system:

AMD Athlon xp 3200+
Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe M/board
1.5 Gig of DDR RAM
80 Gig HD for OS/Software
160 Gig HD for Audio

The problem:

I'm trying to install Windows XP Pro and the set-up/installation takes over 4 HOURS (!!!) even when XP says installtion will be completed in approx 39 mins. Talk about SLOOOOW.

THEN, when XP is supposedly installed and reboots, I get nothing but a black screen and the PC freezes.

Does anyone know whats happening - Can anyone help me?

Maybe a RAM issue ?

I've been having some issues lately and discovered that I have a bad stick of RAM.

Try downloading Memtest from

Burn it as an ISO cdrom and boot from it and then let it run it's tests.
your dealer should have installed xp for you.
this is what i do. and i never pay the cash till ive tried the system out in the dealers place and put it through its paces.
i would go back to your store you got it from.
Yeah .... if you had it built, I'd take it back to the builder.
If you built it, try installing XP with only one stick of RAM in (or two equal sized sticks if running dual channel).
Check your mobo documentation on which slots/banks to use for a single stick or two sticks of dual channel.
Mismatched,faulty or improperly configured RAM can play havoc on XP install/operation.
Yes having 1.5 ram is running your system at async and not in dual channel. Try running only 2 512 sticks in slots 1 and 3. Also fdisk your hard drive and reformat it before reinstalling your xp. You might have driver issues and that is why it is taking so long. You should be able to get xp into your system in about less than an hour. Usually about 20 minutes if your system is fast. Also make sure in bios that it is set at 166mhz and not the default 100mhz. Even better yet at 200mhz. which I believe is the default for a 3200xp barton.