My n-track recordings are very quiet...shhh


New member
I'm a DJ in south FL and I've just downloaded n-track to start recording my mixes. When I try to record something the volume is very low. My gear is as follows:

533 pentium.
265 Meg ram.
20 gig drive.
Delta 66 sound card.
2 Technics SL-1200M3D.
Numark 1885X DJing Mixer.

I have the outputs from the mixer connected to the inputs of the delta 66 sound card. The UV meters during the recording phase are moving, so n-track is getting a signal. But when I finish recording, the volume is very low.

If anyone has any tips or suggestions, I'd appricate it.
Ahhhh we meet again...

See if there is some sort of gain setting for your soundcard.... you might be able to check that through your windows control panel.....

And make sure the volume on your source instruments is loud enough.... ie guitar or Keyboard.....

Your turntables probably don't have a volume knob, so Im not sure about those...

Im not too familiar with N-Track, but I know in my Pro Tools Set up, on my breakout box, I have gains and I can adjust incoming signal levels with them....

There are a few N-Track Pros around here, they will most likely give you some better advice than i can....
Ohhhhhh...... I just re-read your post, and you are using a mixer... ok thats great!...

Just make sure your input faders are up high enough and raise the total output levels with the master fader......

That should do it...
Boy, im a goof....
Took me threee posts to come to a helpful answer :D..

Also, in N-Track, there should be a mixer section ... make sure your levels are up on that also.......

When recording, you should be recording so that the VU meters are as close to zero as possible without going into the red.... (Zero last before you hit red..)... RED IS BAD...Zero is good..:)
Thanks for everyones help. My recordings are sounding much better. Not perfect, but at least I have something I could start with. I'm not sure what fixed it, I think it was a mixture of everyones suggestions.

Thanks again, however I'm sure I'll retun with more questions...