my music is not good enough???


New member
My first post .i put it in wrong topic first maybe but i got 3 good response...anyway i want to put it right also so i have copied it from my other thred and hopefully i find right place now...ok... I have a problem. Me and my band have recorded some covers here at my home. I have spent several hour at least to say trying to find good sound for the coversongs, but if im pleased there is always something another in the band complain about. the singer dont like hes song, so what should i do there.
the drums i have tried many hours to make it good but there is not good also
for me its a taste thing, i want the drums like metallica and try to make it sound like that (ouiii') not possible...if there is something i should do, i meen...i have copy 4 song channels and panned them in different that wrong?...i dont know...i have 4 guitars also and panned them in differnet it wrong?...HELP

yes first song the choir is not very good, we must make them better athough i cant fix that in the mix. i want to give it a try here and hear what you can help me about this mix

Im starting to get so boored of it so i want to hear from someone else...what should i think about in mixing this song. Dont be afraid to tell if it sound bad i want to learn and try to make it better

thes 2 songs im pleased with my self but its just me.

Hope u can help
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I'm hearing the 2nd, the 1st couldn't hear it... link problem... well, the mix is very good mate... but the guitar levels are unbalanced, the right guitar sounds louder than the left guitar. I'll add a little more reverb to the vocals, the delay is fine.
Sin City. Good cover! Sounds good on these headphones. I wou'dn't put any more reverb on the vocals. Being nitpicky the one thing I would change is the kick and snare sound. Ok that's 2 things. Are you triggering samples? They cut through well but I'd prefer more beef and not so much click
I like it.

The bass drum has a lot more beater than drum sound, and the bass kind of gets lost behind the vocals except for after the vocals, but that may just be the crappy speakers on my computer.
thanks for your responses. Very intrersting thought. I will test to make some small changes as what u saying and see what it will sounds like...thanks very much
I'm diggin' it! All instruments and vox very well done! :cool:

The mix is a bit trebly and tinny on the cymbals I think. :confused:
OK, downloaded it to my DAW and listened on monitors.

A couple of comments, but keep in mind I'm by no means an expert...

The mix is really hot, actually above 0dB when I opened it. I played with it a little bit, normalized to -3 then ran a clip restoration process (probably undoing a lot of your mastering, LOL!). That seemed to open it up a lot.

The bass drum and bass sound a lot better than they did on my home PC, still a lettle heavy on the beater sound for my personal taste, but it seems to fit the song really well.

The delay on the guitar sounds kind of, I dunno, digital for lack of a better term. Kind of like you took two copies of the same take and slid one a bit in time. You might want to warm that up a little bit, remove some of the inherent digital sound.

Just out of curiosity, did you mix it on headphones or monitors?

All in all, it's pretty good! I'd definitely give you a booking based on it.