my would you set them up?


New member
ok, i'll be busy recording drums for my bands demo next week.

i'm the guitarist so i don't know much about drums but i've been reading the drum forum for the past couple of days.

here's what i have

i'll be using a 3GHz P4 with 1GB of RAM.

-m-audio delta44 with OMNI I/O (4ch)
-m-audio usb mobile pre (2ch)
-generic onboard two channel line-in

that makes 4 existing Pres in my interfaces and 8 channels in total. i'll be using the channel inserts of a 16ch Phonic Mixer as the rest of the needed preamps.

-2x SP B1
-1x SM58
-1x AT PRO 37R
-various Sennheiser Dynamic vocal mics.

I was thinking that the B1s should be set up in a Glyn Johns setup. any ideas?

also, which mics would you run through which Pres?

I'm also not sure if any of my mics are good for Kick.

Plus, how to tune the kit? is there a guide?

any tips and tricks on how to tweak the kit? i've seen people use duckt tape.
What flavor?

What type of sound are you going for with the drums? Also, what does the room sound like that you will be recording in? That will really dicatate how many channels and which mics you use. I need more information to help you out.

JV :)
the room sounds very dead. and isn't very big. there is sound foam on the walls and the ceiling is covered with moving blankets.

the sound i'm looking for is a dry rather unspectacular one. with a fast release of the toms and a dirty snare sound. we're a rockband with two guitars and bass.

can i use the AT pro37r on bass drum or anything other than as an OH mic??
I wouldn't recommend using the pro37 on bass drum, as it is a sdc, it would probably be best used as an overhead. You might be able to get away with the 58 on the bass drum, if you're not using it for something else. Or maybe even one of the seinheisser's (sp?). Oh, actually, if you plan on doing the Glyn Johns setup, you could put the pro 37 on the hi-hat. I think I remember reading somewhere that it does fairly well on hats.

If I were you, I would go with a minimalist setup, but thats just how I like to do it, because the more mics you get, the better chance you have for phase problems.

Oh, and, please, don't use duct tape. :D You'll never get all the sticky crap off of your heads. A well tuned kit doesn't need duct tape.

Drum Tuning Bible

Hope I cleared some things up. :p