My Latest Musical Masturbation


New member
Listen to it here:

A few notes:

The venerable Alesis SR-16 provided the rythym section. Hopefully we'll be able to track some real percussion in later.

Vocals were run through an outboard compressor, Mic was a Samson c01 condensor. Other effects added in DAW

Guitar: 80's Ibanez X series through ART SGX LT preamp and effect processor, into Red Box MK III Cabinetulator DI

Bass: Outboard compression, DI
Yeah, the thread title probably didn't do you any favors ;).

Anyway, I listened to this last night and again just now. The biggest issue for me was the pitch on the vocals...particularly the higher notes. I don't have very good pitch myself, so don't take this wrong way, but it was kind of distracting to me anyway.

The S-16 sounds kind of smallish on this. I use a boss dr550 sometimes (similar to the alesis) and I know how tinny and processed it can sound. If there's anyway you can beef up the drums that would help. I would change the snare sound too if that isn't already imprinted.

The bass kind of came and went. I'd like it louder and more even if possible. Anyway, there's any number of things I might do differently if this were mine, but I am not an expert or anything so take my ideas with a grain. Thanks for sharing :).
id dump those drums if possible...i think there is still a place for these drum machines but not on guitar tracks imo...there a couple of good kits here for free, they would definitely lend themself to the genre better (I think it has some nice ludwig samples as far as i remember)

the vocals are a bit off pitch...not far off but definitely worth re-tracking, and there's some timing issues a couple of times...kinda remind me of Fergal Sharky a little

The guitar playings good, maybe a bit more separation and cleaning up the lows...and definitely turn up the bass

all in all Id say there is the basis for a decent track here just some work on the vocals and drums...but Im no real expert myself so please take that into consideration :)
Thanks for taking a listen. I agree with analysis of the drums, and like I said they're more of a click track than anything else at this stage.

Maybe I'll run the vocals through the auto tune plug for giggles. I was also planning on having another vocalist with more talent than I singing.

I'm thinking I'll lay off the compression on the main mix, and see what that does.

The guitars & bass I have a mixed feel on. Sometimes I want them to be one big instrument, with bits popping through the main sound, other times I want them more individualized.

I really appreciate the feedback!