My home studio

I spotted a tascam porta studio 4 track and a Behringer virtualizer in the rack. I have a pic somewhere of my first studio. Heh heh. It was a Marshall stack with a Yamaha 4 track sitting on the head, a midiverb2 and an hr-16. Whew!
Crammed into the bedroom of a 500 sqft apartment. I would have cried with happiness to have that kinda space Ron has.

Welcome Ron,
You are now inside the gear junkies vaccum where all your money will procede to disappear because of peer pressure and the pursuit of more tracks and bigger racks.

Dude, those pics suck

If you're going to post pictures, at least post pics that you can actually see something...:eek:

's been a really bad week:rolleyes:
what popups? and download mozilla if you want a webrowser and an email client. Or just Firefox if you want a replacement for IE. No popups, unless you want them.

I don't understand how your client drummer plays drums with the set up like that.
Fender Bass amp

The Fender amp is a Bassman 2 channel tube amp. I picked it up at a junk store for 100. Works great but looks road-weary. As far as the drummer-16yrs old ,heavy metal, hard as hell on his kit. One cymbal cracked,one flipped inside-out and more-hey I dont critque um just record um for the hell ot if.
I dont critque um just record um for the hell ot if.

Sounds like a name of a band............. UM....:D maybe the UMnUM's...hehehehe!! How bout the HUMS! OR the YUM YUMS....or mabey the MUMS.... good god Rick:rolleyes: maybe crumbs..
nevermind. bout the BUMS! more

wise philosophy though. Engineers have to walk a fine line sometimes. Offering constructive criticizim can help, but also can create frustration, as some musicians JUST DON"T GET IT!!:p

Ha!Ha! You guys know what I'm talkin about. when I give them a good idea, I have to make them think it was theirs. Like I told them it's okay to record live but dont crank up the vol. until I lose control of the recording! But at 16 is there any hope? Advice?