My Home Studio Project!

Good job Cj

It took me untill I was 42 to do what you are doing...imagine how talented you'll be in 25 years! ;)

BTW you'll love pod farm, has set ups for vocals and the bass as well..there are also a wealth of free programmes out there from reverb to compressors, guitar amps to synths...try this link from another website Im on, there is a ton here to get you started above and beyond what acid offers

also for guitars

for just about everything

this one will give you a free drum programme...its only 1.3 gigs of samples but they are good enough to get you started and great quality

For machine drums consider izotopes may cost 30 quid or thereabouts but the patterns (100 of them) are the same as many famous drum machines, its easy to use and you can programme it or add your own samples with no hassle..(a good tip is when your creative juices are at a lull make drum loops to use in future projects..most of the time it actually gets you working again)

Computer music mag is also a great source for plugins with many top software companies releasing free CM only versions of great synths/effects etc but you may know this already living on your side of the pond

when cash is tight its great that so many offer so much on the internet
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Welcome to what is probably the-worst-hobby-for-your-wallet that you can choose :D

I'm also 17 - been an interesting and expensive past few years for me, and I don't even have much to show for it. Most of my studio time over the past few months has been doing unpaid mixing work for other people at another studio, urgh (though it is in exchange for free use of said studio wheneve I want, subject to availability :)).

But I have one word of advice: ebay.