My guitar process has midi in and out, can I...?


New member
Ok so I see my guitar processor has midi in, more importantly midi out.

Using the midi in on my soundcard and let's say cakewalk hs 2002 - can I play guitar live and have it track as midi information in cakewalk?

and then apply a sound, say a bass guitar, to the midi information?
No, you can't. The MIDI in and out ports on your processor are for sending and receiving MIDI data such as program and patch changes, controller information, like volume control, and stuff like that. To do what you're asking, you almost have to have a guitar equipped with a MIDI pickup, and the proper processor to convert the information. Hope this helps you out.

You would need a separate MIDI pickup on guitar like a Roland GK-1 or GK-2A to generate MIDI info at the guitar level. There is a variety of other gear also required, but the result can work pretty well.

Ed, you need more than the pickup -- you also need the "brain" that can convert the raw signals from the divided pickup into MIDI messages.
Hi, James. I've been around, but we moved to a new house recently, and I haven't been on the computer much. I hope to get settled in soon and get things back to normal. I bought my own house, so I'm no longer an apartment-dweller!! Now I'll be spending all my time at the home-improvement store!! :D
