My first

a modified dog

New member
Hello all,

I've been lurking and making the occasional comment. My comments have about the music, but bout mixing. That's because I have exactly one song I mixed, and I don't know what I'm doing My tune is at

About the song: It seems to sound crappier as an mp3 than a wav or cakewalk file. That doesn't seem right to me: am I hearing things? It's my first mix, and the first in a series of tunes I hope to produce. You folks are good critics and I value your opinions. Thanks for taking the time.

About my web site:

It's crude, but I hope, effective. I decided to make my own page as a place to put my tunes, for the time being. You can laugh at it if you like; I've been learning about web pages, HTML, and JavaScript for about a week now, with the sole purpose of putting up my tunes. Unfortunately, my ISP only gives me 10MB at no cost. Still, I'd rather not get involved with any of these mp3 sites for now. That means I can only leave a few things there at best.

After testing, it looks to me like my download button works. Any comments about the site are appreciated too.

Pretty cool production!
What are the instrument(s) your using?

Mix sounds very good,real big and clear.

Good stuff!

Best to you,

BTW-You might want to consider using Nowhere,very simple to use and free,not a chore like
muzeman said:
Pretty cool production! ....Good stuff! ...Mix sounds very good,real big and clear.
That comment alone made my day. You're the third person to listen to this after my wife and I, so I had no idea what to expect for feedback. Thanks!
What are the instrument(s) your using?
Indian percussion was done with SwarShala , drums are from my Yamahahaha-ha PSR-540 keyboard, and the rest are Sound Fonts
BTW-You might want to consider using Nowhere,very simple to use and free,not a chore like
I may check them out later. Thanks for the recommendation.


I'd love to give you some unreliable feedback, but I can't seem to get the thing to download.:mad:

It's probably my ineptness, since others obviously have been able to get it. Ummmm...just a suggestion, you might consider using "" which gives you 15MB for free, and is easily navigated by the technoligically challenged, such as myself. Did somebody already suggest that????


(oh yeah, if you wanna' change the first link you listed, just hit "EDIT" in the lower right hand portion of your post).

I'll keep trying
Cant get just pops up a windows media player thing and says ERROR.I triled setting Musicmatch as the default and it did the same thing.Why not supply a live link on the page that can be right-clicked and saved-as instead of that button thing?
Very cool! I really like this a lot. The percussion is way cool and I like the avante-garde nature of the song. pretty nice mix too.
What player are you guys using to listen to this tune?I keep getting this damn windows media thing popping up and thats it.
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I changed the code for downloading, it should work. I used your suggestion coding the link part.

Thanks for you patience.



Lt. Bob

Thanks for your opinions on both the tune and the mix. The tune seemed pretty good, but the mixing had me going nuts.

It's mostly thanks to HomeRec and it's very cool members that I learned my practical lessons. This place and you people rock!

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Weird but interesting tune. Maybe it's just me but I think anyone who makes an instrumental over 3:00 (besides classical of course) is only asking for the song to be skipped. Just my thought.
lynx said:
Weird but interesting tune. Maybe it's just me but I think anyone who makes an instrumental over 3:00 (besides classical of course) is only asking for the song to be skipped. Just my thought.
Thanks for your thoughts! I take "Wierd but interesting " in a good way
. :D .

It's funny you said that, about being an instrumental. The music I listen to is maybe 95% instrumental. Still, I like most all kinds of music, if it's good music.

My dad was over today, and I told him about what I've been doing here and with my web page. He enjoyed it, although around 3:18 he did ask how long the song is... ;) . He got a kick about Pete's (Muzeman) comment, "cool production".

He said "it's cool" about 5 times before he left. You don't understand, hearing my dad say "cool" is too funny! Now I expect him to use the word liberally and at any opportunity for the next 6 months. It's just so damned funny!

Very interesting piece...I dig the cosmic hiccups. I also dig the fact that your Dad called it "cool." :D
Creative work, I look forward to more.

Thanks a lot for your encouragement. It's been a long road to get to this point. This is the first time I've had comments and kind words, excepting my wife and on occasion, my dad.

Uh, what is / are "cosmic hiccups", and is there SoundFont? ;)

very cool instrumental.. the hiccups are strange..

freaky B-Movie music or Video game soundtrack..

I liked it..
" Very interesting uhh music marty" I enjoyed this-the drum beat and bass were cool-I heard some sounds that kinda hurt-eg: around 2:30-So-you're using sound fonts completely? that bass sounds real good. This would be good for an art film I imagine lol. I like your compositional style overall-definetely different....I see someone mentioned those hiccup sounds--they don't seem to help the piece much IMO..good production ---nice job overall.

Thanks for your critique, and for taking the time to listen. Indian percussion instruments courtesy of SwarShala, a sort-of sequencer for Indian instruments. The new Pro version looks like it's kick ass, and supposedly they're going to include downloadable sounds, in effect a SoundFont. The drums were mixed after running through a Yamaha XG keyboard. Everything else is done with various free SoundFonts I found on the net.

I think some of the stuff I compose is suited for soundtracks. This tune? Maybe a fight scene with Bruce Lee, a chicken, and three characters from a Wagner opera through the eyes of a mad scientist whose soup was laced with peyote and 3-in-1 oil? I ought to be in pictures...

Help me out with the "hiccups": what and or where are they? I couldn't tell what you're talking about at around 2:30: I'll check again after I get some sleep.

hiccups? what hiccups?

Denis, I think the hiccups are coming from one of the percussion instruments...or Wagner's peyote. He was such a party dude. :D

Thaks for the hint. I think what's happening is that parts of the sounds made by Tabla and Dholki (indian percussion instruments) are perceived as artifacts, when in fact they are supposed to sound like that. That being said, the samples are less than perfectly authentic in sound. When the new version of SwarShala Pro is released I want to do those track again.

Did you know Wagner a trained goat? He would stand on an end table, firmly grasping the left horn... never mind, I just grossed myself out.
